Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Weekend Wasted

As you may have heard, Atlanta is slowly turning into Atlantis and as a result my power has been going out a lot. This killed my ability to keep on top of my auctions this weekend and therefore stalled out the trickle of money I’ve been getting.

I’m up to 1900g as of last night, which puts my first week of work at about 1400g. I started out very slowly, made some goofy mistakes, and ended up riding the “belt buckle” wave all the way to 1400. I know that most good WoWeconomists do that in like a morning, but for me it was nice just to see that while yes, I am buying all my mats, I am in fact turning a profit on the goods and mats that I sell from them.

I’m DEing JC greens and selling the dust and cosmics, I’ve hooked up with an alchemist friend who transmutes Cardinal Rubies everyday which I cut and sell for 200-220. I kick him half the money and we’re both happy with the extra hundred. I’ve also started dabbling in cutting a few blue gems (few as in I cut 7 this week) and they’re selling, but very slowly. I’m still making bags when the cost of cloth is under 4 and making buckles pretty much all the time. I’m discovering that the hold up in belt buckle production is the price of Eternal Earth, which some nights is 6g and some nights is 8g.

All in all I’m happy with the progress and irritated that I didn’t get to do more this weekend. My druid is 66 now and has also stalled in his leveling, but my goal is to buy him epic flying and cold weather flying when I hit 10k, which would set me back to 4k and shouldn’t be all that tough to build back. After that I shouldn’t have any major expenses left and money coming in should be pure profit.


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